WHEN – Sunday 25th of september | 10AM – 4PM
WHERE – Steenweg op Deinze 51 | 9880 Aalter | Belgium
TICKETS – Pay entrance by acting civilised

Please respect these rules and the Belgian traffic law at all times outside and inside the event site!
– The maximum speed on the event parking is 5KM/h.
– Use of alcohol or drugs is not permitted.
– Performing burn-outs, donuts or sprints on the event parking or outside the event site is prohibited.
– We are not responsible for theft resulting from neglicting to close your car.
– Consider the environment and throw garbage in the provided trash cans.
– Visitors must treat all participants, their cars and other visitors with respect. It is forbiden to touch, lean on, sit on or enter a car without the express permission of the owner.
– The organisation is not responsible for damage caused by a third party if the identity of the perpetrator can not be established. Nor for damage, theft or accidents resulting from non-compiance to these rules.